Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Bumbo Sitter

Valerie really loves to sit! At the age of 2 months plus when she could only lie down, she would coo her way to being carried. Once put on a sitting position, she would happily look around without disturbing you.

This is also a fun time to bring her to Starbucks. I just order a drink, put her on my lap and enjoy my coffee time with Ivan. What does Valerie do? I have no idea, she just basically sit there and look around I guess. No fuss at all. So much fun that Starbucks becomes our weekly routine. I felt we are like cool parents, who still have time to go to a nice coffee place and enjoy a chat or read magazines.

Because of that, I am so tempted to buy her the Bumbo Sitter. I've read all about it, how it fits perfectly on infants as soon as they can hold their neck up. And I've observed, Valerie could hold hers up pretty well close to 4th month.

So armed with the idea, I brought her to a baby shop to try out the sitter. The salesgirl was so amazed how well she sat. And me, being the proud mommy (after being told how well her baby could sit), bought the sitter without thinking another second. After I got home, I realised how expensive it was but still.. it's the fun of seeing Valerie sitting and she seemed delighted. And for once, I didn't have to carry her. Talk about splurging... Hehe... :P