Thursday, December 1, 2011

Valerie Speaking in Phrases

Valerie's vocab has been increasing rapidly in the last few months. She now could express herself in phrases and even argue with you. I find she mostly speaks in English when we are around, and Mandarin at nanny's place.

Because she speaks in English more, grandma and grandpa couldn't really catch what she's talking about and said she's talking gibberish. Comparing with her cousin brother, they still called her a late speaker. Oh well, I've resorted to ignore their comments :P

Here are some of the incidents which I could remember...

Scene 1:
Daddy driving and stopped at traffic light. After a few times of observation...

Valerie: Mommy, red is stop!
Mommy: Yes, Well Done... and green is go...
Valerie: (*repeats after mommy*) Green is Go!

The next time we stop at traffic light...
Valerie: Mommy... Red is Stop!

*When the traffic light turns green*
Valerie: Green is go arr??

Scene 2
Whenever Valerie wanted something from us, I always enforced her to say 'Please mommy' or 'Please daddy' instead of screaming to get her way through. It's a way to calm her down n teach her politeness.

One day, I needed Valerie to help get me a tissue...

Mommy: Valerie, get mommy a tissue from the table
Valerie: Ok....

*Valerie walked to the table and then looked back*

Valerie: Say please baby...
Mommy: Ok, please baby, get mommy a tissue

*Valerie took a tissue for me and smiled*

Scene 3
She was doing an activity but struggling...

Mommy: Come, let mommy help you.
Valerie: Come, let baby help you. (pushed mommy away)

Scene 4
Playing an activity together.

Daddy: Ok, it's daddy's turn. Let daddy play.
Valerie: No, let baby play.

Scene 5
In the car with her 10 years old cousin bro, Joshua and daddy stopped at red light.

Valerie: Mommy, red is stop! Green is go! Yellow is go faster! (The yellow is taught by her naughty uncle)
Joshua: No... Valerie, yellow is go slower...
Valerie: Yellow is go faster!
Joshua: No... listen.. yellow.. is... go.. slower...

Not happy, Valerie turned to mommy.

Valerie: Mommy... Yellow is go faster...
Mommy: Errr.....well....

Just then the left turn traffic light turned yellow and a car zoomed past....

Valerie: Mommy... look.. yellow is go faster!! (pointing to the car)
Mommy: Errrm... yes... yellow is go faster......

Oopsss.. :P

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