Monday, October 31, 2011

Last Day of Sunday School

Today was the last day of Sunday School for Year 2011. They called it Prize Cupboard Day. It started off with some games at the field and later a short ceremony to give prizes away to kids based on their attendance and achievement throughout the year.

It's the first time Valerie has been on such a big sports event and I was afraid she couldn't cope. When she arrived at the big field, she clinged on to mommy's feet and asked me to carry her. Her SS teacher seeing that I was preggy, offered to carry her instead. Surprisingly, Valerie didn't protest. So teacher Caryn carried her for a while n then led her to each activity. I was amazed, she didn't look for mommy, instead, focused on each of the games.

Valerie holding on to teacher Caryn

Teacher passing a bean bag to Valerie

Getting ready to throw

First in line... ready to go...

Another telematch, Valerie getting a ball

She threw the ball and it's hitting the cans!!

Valerie @ Scoop The Peanut game

Valerie & daddy @ Shoot the Animals game