Saturday, December 20, 2008

Valerie's First Month

Valerie's first month went by in a brisk, taken care by the confinement lady called Ah Mei. I saluted Ah Mei in how she managed Valerie, always singing songs to her, calling and talking to her while she goes about doing her daily chores. She even bathed her twice a day, saying babies love the cooling effect. The one thing Ah Mei complained was how often Valerie poo-poo due to being a breastfed baby. Hehe...

I only remembered Valerie was sleeping most of the time during the day with occassional fuss when she wakes up for feed. She especially loved to sleep with her head tilted upwards to one side, making a cresent shape of her entire body. I think that's how she slept when she was still in my tummy.

We swaddled her so many times during the day using a cloth diaper but without fail she would always wriggle her way out, freeing one arm first.. and then the other. We then had to wrap her up all over again. Look at the little 'supergirl'.

I was also amazed at how smart babies are. You know how they will just fall asleep in your arms and the minute you lower them to the bed, their eyes would be open. Or when you have carried her for an hour or so and dead sure that she was in a 'deep sleep' mode, the minute you tried to put her down and tip-toed away slowly, you would hear the 'aaaaayyyyy' sound.

I didn't get to breastfeed as often as I wanted because Ah Mei always took her away from me to ensure I have ample rests. So I ended up pumping most of the time every 3 hours throughout the day. Nevertheless, Valerie remains a baby who loves to breastfeed. Ah Mei always bring her into my room in the middle of the night, saying she misses her mommy's boobies...

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