Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jumperoo Acquired!

Okie.. I admit it.. I'm a shopholic mom. I couldn't resist it. But the jumperoo was on sale at Robinsons!! Ivan was complaining we were a few hundred ringgit poorer by the end of the outing. But who could he blame? It was not me who wanted to go shopping in the first place. In fact I had no intention of going out because of the H1N1 flu.

But Ivan's mom called and said she needed to go to Midvalley cos it was the last day of Merdeka promotion. She wanted to get the Tefal iron with a RM100 rebate in exchange with an old one. So we brought her there while we hanged out at the Gardens. The crowd was lesser at the Gardens. Valerie couldn't keep her eyes closed while we walked around. Poor baby, so shopping deprived. Eventually, we reached the Robinsons entrance and went to the kids department. There we saw the Jumperoo on display and my face lighted up. With itchy hands, I placed Valerie on the display set. And there she went. Jumping and smiling to her heart's content.

Then Ivan pointed to the price tag. It says RM599 with a free gift for card members. I immediately asked one of the staff how to become a member. 2 minutes later I'm a Robinsons member! Aha! While we're paying the Jumperoo, the cashier told us Mastercard holder gets another 5% off. Woohoo.... we were so meant to buy this.

Anyway I rationaled this could be used for a few babies and if I do sell it as a 2nd hand, I wouldn't lose much, would I? The amount could be viewed as loan charges, couldnt it? Besides Valerie gets to play a brand new model. Oh heck, who cares? I already bought it :P

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